
Photo Credit- Tom Bartholomew
During the 18th century, settlers depended upon their own skills and knowledge to provide materials for a home or a farm and to create clothing and food for their families. During the Rendezvous, craftspeople demonstrate talents that were essential for a community to survive throughout the frontier. Some of the following represent the types of demonstrations available during the annual Memorial Day weekend event conducted in Vincennes, IN.
Daniel Boone of Kentucky – Stephen Young Caudill is the Official Daniel Boone of Kentucky. Enjoy his authentic presentation of the experiences of Daniel Boone on the 18th century frontier. Explore the fascinating life of one of the most enigmatic legends of American history through this well researched and documented portrayal. Caudill travels widely sharing his riveting presentation – an annual favorite at the Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous.
18th Century Physician – John Murphy portrays Joseph La Bolle, a French barber-surgeon living during 1758 in French-occupied Kaskaskia. He demonstrates authentic medical paraphernalia, therapeutic herbs, spices, and leeches as well as medical techniques. Visitors may enjoy discussions pertaining to 18th century surgical procedures, bloodletting, purging, blistering, dental treatment, and other early medical practices
Wood Crafting – Pioneers used tools such as the adz, hewing hatchet, draw-knife, spoke-shave, and shaving horse to produce everyday items for the home and the farm.
Demonstrators 2025
honey bees
bowl & spoon carving
basket weaving
chair caning
heirloom seeds & plants
pewter smithing
leather work
black smithing
tin smithing
native american life
soap making
wax portraits
water color artist
copper smith
rifle making
sons of the American revolution
18th century school house
carpentry – woodworking
tomahawk throwing
Fiber Trail
quilting – hands on!
drop spindle
walking wheel
tower wheel
block printing
floor cloths
silk ribbon embroidery
bobbin lace
Contact Terry Wise
6 authors – book signings
4 Indiana Artisans