Music, drama, and comedy transcend the ages. Thus, 18th century entertainment is as thrilling, enjoyable, and fun today as it was when originally performed more than 200 years ago. The annual Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous resurrects that colonial atmosphere by filling the spring air with tunes reminiscent of settlers, traders, trappers, and soldiers.
During the annual two-day event, musicians perform on stage and occasionally wander throughout the French Commons, home of the Memorial Day weekend festival. Their melodious musings mix with the multitude of smoky spirals from the merchants’ cook fires to create a unique blend of sounds and smells of a bygone era.
Common Stock - Itinerant Performers Jack Mulgrew & Maddie Bliss offer Historic Entertainment of the Common Folk, Jack Tales, Hobby Animals, Broadside Ballads and Curio Show! All roaming the grounds everywhere!
The Tippecanoe Ancient Fife & Drum Corps and the 42nd Highlanders will provide a show that you will not forget. They perform on the battlefield and during the evening colors ceremony.
Father, Son, and Friends , a traditional Scottish, Irish and, American folk band, has been performing together since 1989.

Photo Credit- Tom Bartholomew

Photo Credit- Tom Bartholomew
Booneslick Strings
Welcome! Visit these two spots to rest and enjoy traditional musical entertainment throughout the day! See the locations on our new map!
Play a variety of music from the frontier period. Their easy going style and approachable nature make you feel like you are listening to your friends play. They may be found on stage, or sitting under a shade tree somewhere on the grounds.
Fife and Drums
The fife and drum were a part of our nation’s early history. These instruments played for soldiers and provided some entertainment a release for the arduous duties of a soldier. The instruments also carried the commands on the battlefield with various tunes used to tell the men officer’s commands. Several Fife and drum groups may be seen marching across the grounds or performing at designated times and locations as listed on the schedule.
Common Stock ~ Everybody’s Favorite! Jack Mulgrew and Maddie Bliss Historic Entertainment of the Common Folk Jack Tales, Broadside Ballads, Hobby Animals, Curio Shows.
For more information about the entertainment contact us Here.