Participant Information

Welcome to the annual
Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous.
Greetings from: George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Superintendent Frank Doughman, George Rogers Clark NHP
We hope that you will have a pleasant and rewarding experience while encamped on the grounds of the George Rogers Clark NHP. Your cooperation with the following items is appreciated:
Parking permit required! All re-enactors vehicles will require a permit for parking.The parking lot of George Rogers Clark National Historical Park and the field at the entrance to the park are to be used only by re-enactors, others will be towed. If weather conditions soften the encampment grounds the area may be closed to vehicles, if in doubt check with Registration tent or Bob Sloman before driving on the lawn.
A registration table will be set up near the park visitor center. One person from each vehicle or camp should pick up parking permits, schedules, trash bags, rules and regulations sheet. Coffee will be available at this location Sat. and Sun. mornings at 7:30a.m.
Vincennes University is pleased to offer dorm rooms for participants of Rendezvous. Reservations and payment for rooms must be done online. Click here to reserve housing at Vincennes University.
The number of individuals using “funny clothes” to by pass the gate fees has made this approach necessary. All re-enactors will need a pass to gain admission to the Rendezvous grounds (across the street from the park.) Passes are available at the registration area noted above.
To protect the historic landscape and plants, please avoid camping under or around trees. Trees should not be used for tie-downs or for hanging items. Fires must be kept away from trees.
Fire pits or any turning of sod is not allowed. Fires must be built in metal pans provided by the park. Sand must be put in the pan to minimize impact to the lawn underneath. Non-combustible trash should be kept out of the fire.
Place all trash in the dumpster located near the encampment area. Trash bags will be available for collection and disposal. When breaking camp, pile your bedding straw by companies. Rakes will be available. When closing out the fire site, make sure the fire is completely out. Remove any unburned wood or other materials. Leave fire pans on the ground, park staff will pick them up.
Showers will be available in the gymnasium of Rivet High School across the street from the visitor center. Shower times are: Saturday 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 to 9 p.m.; Sunday 8 to 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Monday 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Drinking water is available at two locations. A faucet is near the parking area along the walkway leading to the visitor center and a second faucet is near the railroad tracks across from the maintenance building.
* Weapons may not be fired on park grounds except for demonstrations under the supervision of the park’s black powder specialist.
* Loose or bulk powder is not allowed on park grounds.
* All cartridges must be pre-rolled prior to coming to the event.
• Our visitor center telephone number is (812) 882-1776 extension 210 will connect to the information desk. The number for EMERGENCY, police, or medical response is 911.
Lost/Found items may be reported/turned in at the visitor center.
Alcohol use on grounds is discouraged and any groups causing problems will be removed from the grounds. Absolutely NO alcohol use by minors will be tolerated! Should minors be found in possession or under the influence of alcohol the entire unit may be asked to leave.
In the event of severe weather the basement of Rivet High School will serve as a storm shelter. Officials will keep you abreast of threatening weather. The park visitor center will serve as a storm shelter for those who cannot navigate the stairs to the basement of the school.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and may be left at the visitor center.
Please Contact Chief Ranger Joe Herron here, if you need any special arrangements or have any questions.